jueves, 13 de agosto de 2015

If i was Randy Orton

If I was famous, I want be famous for something without importance, So if I was famous I want be Randy Orton, A Wrestling from world wrestling entertainment (WWE), I have seen that when I was thirteen or less, and I play with my cousin, we don’t obeyed the message “don’t try this at home” and we fight, he was bigger than me, three years, so I fight really hard haha.
If I was Randy Orton, I’ve been making RKO’s all day, like the compilation video haha

I not have to wear shirt and pants, some people would hate me and others could love me, All my existence would be put in destroy “John Cena”(My cousin say when we was kids that he is him and fight with me ¬¬). In my free time always try to go unnoticed to eat and drink whit friends for find woman haha and if no one want to go out with me, simply, I do a RKO haha the famous persons do that? Or not?          

Diego D:

How was my experience with the blog? Mmm in really I don’t like talk or write about me or what I like, o it was a little hard. But it was a good expierence, commenting the blogs of classmates, making jokes and laughing for someone wrote. Sometimes I don’t want a write and I finished the post at 13:40! When we had to finish at 1:10… but how The “Gabys” are so beautiful, they wait for me and it was good <3 haha
I think that with these ten blogs I learned more how chat up whit my self to complete the word count that how to write in correct form haha, it’s a joke, write always help with the vocabulary and cohesion of ideas.
For the future I think would be good that the word count be related with the theme that are writing, I think that is very hard write two hundred word about “favorite food” for example. Also think, that the blogs could be for a week, I mean, the post on your blog you do in your house and have Thursdays free, it could be very nice

My Favorite food

Last week, you know here was raining practically all days. I don’t remember exactly what day, but I arrive to my home from the university, I was feeling so cold! And my mom asks me if I want to eat, and surprise! She had “Charquican”, I answered without thinking that I want a big dish! Haha. It is my favorite food, “Charquicán”, especially when the weather are cold.

This dish is composed for a lot of vegetables, potato, onion, green beans, carrot, squash, peas and I don’t know what  more,  also have meat, but not much, and if you put a fried egg over all its better!.  I like eat it with a little of “merken” (dried chili smoked) and salad of lettuce whit a lot of lemon juice or tomato… ooooh I’m hungry writing this.

The better “Charquican” is made for my mom or my grandma, I can’t choose one haha. They cook similar. Also I have eaten in some restaurants in my town and I also like it, maybe I don’t have very refined taste, whatever I think that always “Charquican” is delicious!